Student Qualifications are as follows.
- Must be a citizen of the United States
- For handgun training, legally able to purchase and possess a handgun according to state and federal law.
- For rifle training legally able to purchase and possess a rifle according to state and federal laws.
- Minors can be taught as long as they are supervised by a legal parent or guardian that is qualified according to sentences 1-3 above. In other words they must attend all training sessions with the minor in question.
- Minors must be over 15 years of age.
- Training is very physical, all students must attest to good general health.
- We do train handicapped or disabled individuals as long as we are aware of medical needs, and can be assured that there is no medical reason to deny training. (we can alter training in many cases to accommodate)

Qualifications can be summed up by the questions that are asked on the federal form 4473 when you purchased your firearm. In the State of Washington there are additional requirements concerning the personal ownership of firearms for training. Specifically while training in the State of Washington 594 is in effect. Students must make sure they are in compliance.
All training is at the discretion of the Chief Firearms Instructor (CFI). In other words while on the range students are subject to rejection from training for the following infractions.
- Threatening to use training for illegal and unlawful purposes.
- Threatening, arguing, and harassing with any student or instructor.
- Unsafe Gun Handling.
- Possession of illegal drugs or alcohol while training or on the range.
- Repeated failure to comply with range commands and safety instructions.
- etc. TBD by the CFI
That said we are happy to say we have ( up to now ) never had to eject anyone for the said above infractions. We all know that legal firearms owners are the most law abiding citizens in the World as well as the most thoughtful of their fellow man.
Before training you will be asked to read and sign the following documents
- statement of general health
- waiver for injury during training
- explanation of fees and refunds
- explanation of range safety rules
- legal council.
general health is a statement that you are fit to train, if there is any medical condition that might cause injury during training we ask that you make us aware of that before training.
waiver of injury is that standard injury and damage waiver we use. As training is physical and we are training with live ammunition we use this waiver to insure that you know that although we are trained experts in firearms safety and have designed a safe course injury may result from training.
explanation of fees covers how we collect fees for training and under what conditions you may expect to receive a refund or reschedule training at no additional cost. There may be additional cost if a student is ejected from training, but the circumstances are not so serious that training could not be provided at a later date such as a safety violation. (These situations are reviewed by the CFI)
explanation of range safety rules covers the range safety we expect on our facility
legal council informs you that we are NOT lawyers and any reference to an example of self defense is for informational purposes only. You are advised to study the Revised Statues yourself, as well as the case law in your state, then seek legal council on what is legal and appropriate in your state regarding self defense with a firearm.
Feel free to call us for any questions on eligibility.
James Hartley (CFI).