
The Idaho Defense LLC Enhanced CCW course is a comprehensive two-day course. It is designed to cover the most important aspects of carrying a handgun for self-defense. Day one is classroom instruction, day two is the range day. Below are the main bullet points of each section, at the end of the course bullet points is a list of required student qualifications and equipment.
Classroom (eight hours):
- Brief history of firearms types
- Types of Handguns suitable for self-defense
- How to determine which handgun is best for your situation (risk factors)
- General Firearms Safety
- Ammunition, bullets, power, primers, cases
- Hatchers’ formula of relative stopping power.
- Situational awareness, avoiding criminal attack, defense planning
- Physiology of self-defense, and mental mind set
- Legal aspects of firearms ownership
- Range preparation
- Firearms maintenance.
Range (four to six hours)
- Range safety
- How to properly draw a firearm from holster
- How to properly load and unload your firearm
- Proper stance, grip, sight picture, and trigger control for various situations of time and distance.
- Multiple target engagement
- Malfunction drills
- Ammo management
- Shooting on the move to break contact or engage
- Shooting weak hand supported, strong and weak hand unsupported.
- Proper use of cover
- Tactical/Practical shooting qualifier
Student Qualifications
- Legally able to possess a handgun in Idaho.
Basic Handgun Tactical covers the required basics for handgun self defense. Proper wear of the equipment, loading and unloading, combat reloads, malfunction drills, shooting positions, multiple combat indexing and sight pictures, dim light and no light shooting, shooting while moving to cover. These topics are covered with many repetitious drills to drive the skills into muscle memory. The course requires three days of intensive training shooting day and night everyday. Round count for the class is upwards of 1000 rounds.
This course is the starting point for all our other classes. It is the required prerequisite for advanced training.
Civilian Tactical Handgun Training I (CTHT I) is designed to teach the student the fundamentals of grip, stance, trigger control, and movement required to stay alive in the fast paced action necessary for self defense with a handgun. The course begins from the basics and quickly proceeds to advanced and unusual shooting positions. Once the student can manipulate the firearm from these positions he/she is taught how to shoot on the move and use cover. Once these skills have been taught the student moves to ground work, and target differentiation skills, vehicle defense and lastly night shooting, and engaging randomly moving targets in dim light. These skills are essential to survival on the street. The course covers around 20 drills and 1500 rounds of ammunition and lasts a minimum of three days. Each student will be challenged mentally and physically. The skills and the drills are designed to be both educational and grow the student.
Civilian Tactical Handgun Training II (CTHT II) is designed to build on the lessons learned from CTHT I. The course begins with a review of the basic and intermediate techniques from CTHT I, and proceeds to advanced hand-gunning self defense techniques tactics and scenarios. Students are taught how to engage multiple moving targets as the students move to cover day and night. Students then move on to defending against, car jacking, ATM heists, bank heists, liquor store robberies, home invasion,
property protection, armed robbery, and rape attempts during daylight and night time. Idaho Defense trains you to develop a personal defense profile that works. Survival in the streets demands marksmanship, gun handling, and mindset. This course works the mind and improves marksmanship, and gun handling. Designing and thinking about defense profiles and practicing reactions to different levels of stress is what this class is all about. Students need a firm understanding of CTHT I, and the resolve to win. The course requires around 1200 rounds of ammunition and covers around 22 drills and last a minimum of three days. Students will be challenged mentally and physically. However, as before with CTHT I, skills and drills are designed to be both educational and grow the student. Enjoy the course.
Short Description : Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely.
More Details: This course is at least 8-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest position, and two handed standing positions; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Pistol Shooting Student Examination, and course completion certificate.
Short Description : Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely.
More Details: This course is at least 8-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest position, and two handed standing positions; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Pistol Shooting Student Examination, and course completion certificate.
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the AR-15/M-16, or AKS/AK family of firearms. Shooters will learn how to sight in for point blank range with their rifle. Proper sighting in techniques, ballistics and multi-positional shooting for engaging hostiles at close to medium range is covered. You will learn 4 different combat sight pictures, trigger control , basics of movement and turns, malfunctions and how to handle them, firearms transition to the handgun in emergencies, reloading drills, shooting from cover, and shooting on the move to cover or concealment. This is a complete weapons familiarization class that you cannot afford to be without. As in the pistol BHT course this is our introductory rifle course required for all other rifle training.
This course is aimed at taking the shooter from BRT to more advanced firearms handling and training. Drills stress accuracy, technique, speed and handling mechanics under pressure. After a review of BRT fundamentals the student is drilled to a higher degree of proficiency. Students will be shooting from the move to cover, handling malfunctions and transitions as the needed. Target identification and indexing is added to the mix as well as shoot no shoot scenarios. Student learn situational awareness and how to handle various field problems drawn from real life. CQRT begins the process of developing a defense profile for the rifle much as CQHT I does for the handgun.